Ryan - Looking forward: Documentation and Backend

Internal instructional videos on the UI system  

Incomplete, a bit obtuse and possibly too complicated to follow. Since they are out of date, and I need to instruct on how to use the Chunk Cruncher stuff, I need to make better documentation for the other developers which would be best done as a text document. Additionally, since we are not going to be using mouse controls, I probably ought to redo/add functionality to the Chunk Cruncher system to work with the game pad.

Chunk Cruncher Tutorial Part One


I plan to create a document about all the public methods of each class, as well as fields, with sections for one's that take strings for looking up values, as well as examples of how to use the in conjunction. There is a small chance that I make a document with hyper links to different sections, but that is unlikely any time soon.

Old, incomplete documentation


Next Semester

I see myself supporting Ty Ty and Nick to use the back end stuff I've made. Since they'll being doing UI and game play, I think my role to be to help them work on their part by troubleshooting, being on hand for questions, and implementing features they request.

I might experiment with NaughtyAttributes to create custom editor windows in Unity for better interfaces if I get permission of the proffesor.

Mod support

 I'd like to at some point in the future, before or after capstone, to polish up the documentation, as well as improve the interface. The whole, Technique Parameters, is executed poorly. It'd be better if there were a list of structs that could display in the inspector on technique effects. I'd also like to update the tooltip based on what hit effect was chosen. The tool tip could tell the user what parameters of the technique effect were when it's typed in and display valid method names when the method is not typed in or is not typed incorrectly.  The node graph for the chunks and other related scriptable object would be a potential final goal.


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