Nick Devlog 3

This entry is a portion of my work for Milestone 3.

Once again it has been focused heavily on creating Syra's boss fight. Much of what I was able to do for this update was thanks to Ryan's coding for both the player's and enemies' combat capabilities. With the first subphase the attacks are now at proper heights however some value messing is still needed to make it feel a bit smoother. I've left the second subphase as it was previously, leaving the rest of the changes to the third subphase. 

The third subphase had many of it's targeted attacks prototyped out with an attack for whether the player is above Syra, the same height as Syra's core, and if the player is below Syra. When the player is above Syra she will shoot out a sweeping laser that will heavily damage the player if they make contact with it. If the player is on the same height as Syra she will slam her arms on the platforms which are an AoE attack and have a shockwave effect added that will push the player back if they are caught in it. If the player is below Syra she will repeatedly slam her feet on the ground similar to the arms but will create multiple shockwaves that knock the player back. 


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